
  他的第一首熱門單曲 "Der Kommissar" 出自於1982年發行的首張專輯"Einzelhaft"
  隔年一個叫After the Fire 的英國新浪潮團體翻唱"Der Kommissar"的英文版,讓這首單曲登上了美國的第五名。"Der Kommissar"據說也是由歐洲人完成的首支Rap單曲(不聽不知,真的超耳熟的..) 不過這首歌的Video之後也被MTV戲稱為"The Worst Video of All Time". (不過有第二版XD Falco在裡面很帥~)
  Falco最為人所知的專輯應該是他於1985年發行的"Falco 3"。
  裡面有幾首國際暢銷單曲,例如: "Vienna Calling" ,"Jeanny", "Rock Me Amadeus" 
了..反正沒幾個人聽的懂...XD  據說...施文彬翻唱過...歌名叫"七仔"....||| 我本來覺得..騙笑ㄟ..但是一查..是真的|||
  不過讓我"發現"Falco,進而認識Falco,想為他寫下一點淺薄介紹的,是這首我在前幾天深夜於MTV看到的"Rock Me Amadeus"
  Falco 3裡面除了融合饒舌形式,還有令人興奮的早年跳舞元素,曲調也是相當流行好聽。他在"Rock Me Amadeus"的瘋狂MV裡面,在尾端雙手合十,閉著眼一副誠懇的樣子,但最後竟然張眼對著鏡頭偷笑起來...。頑皮又才華洋溢的阿瑪迪斯,最後還是溜回天上了...。無論如何,僅此表達一點敬意。

Rock Me Amadeus (Deutsch) by Falco
Ooo rock me Amadeus
Rock me Amadeus...
Rock rock rock rock me Amadeus
Rock me all the time to the top
Er war ein Punker
Und er lebte in der groen Stadt
Es war Wien, war Vienna
Wo er alles tat
Er hatte Schulden denn er trank
Doch ihn liebten alle Frauen
Und jede rief:
Come on and rock me Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, oh oh oh Amadeus

Er war Superstar
Er war populr
Er war so exaltiert
Because er hatte Flair
Er war ein Virtuose
War ein Rockidol
Und alles rief:
Come on and rock me Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, oh oh oh Amadeus
Come on and rock me Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, oh oh oh Amadeus

Es war um 1780
Und es war in Wien
No plastic money anymore
Die Banken gegen ihn
Woher die Schulden kamen
War wohl jedermann bekannt
Er war ein Mann der Frauen
Frauen liebten seinen Punk
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, oh oh oh Amadeus
Come and rock me Amadeus....
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Ja ja ja
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me
Baby baby do it to me rock me

Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus, oh oh oh Amadeus...

Rock Me Amadeus English Version
He was the first punk ever to set foot on this earth.
He was a genius from the day of his birth.
He could play the piano like a ring and a bell
And ev'rybody screamed:
Come on, rock me Amadeus.
He was a superstar, he was dynamite and whatever he did (it)
Seemed to be alright.
And he drank (and) he cursed and he fooled around
But when the women would shout:
Rock me Amadeus,
Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus,
Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus,
Oh oh oh Amadeus.
With a bottle of wine in one hand and a woman in the other
'Cause he was a ladies man
He never stopped to worry what the next day would bring
Because the girls would sing:
Rock me Amadeus,
Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus,
Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus,
Oh oh oh Amadeus.

His mind was on rock and roll and having fun
Because he lived so fast he had to die so young.
But he made his mark in history.
Still ev'rybody says:
Rock me Amadeus
Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus,
Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus,
Oh oh oh Amadeus.

Rock Me Amadeus

Der Kommissar



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